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D I R E C T O R   O F   C R E A T I V E   S E R V I C E S




As the director of creative services for Stila Cosmetics, I managed and oversaw all imagery for branding; from packaging and marketing to merchandising and advertising, for worldwide markets to ensure consistency. I made sure the correct design elements were implemented; images, copy, fonts, logos and legal on packaging and design across the brand. I managed vendors, budgets and timelines along with the in house illustrator, photo shoots and tutorial video shoots for Stila makeup artists around the world. 


I reviewed assets for quality control of dielines and deliverables to the print house and reviewed printing samples for sign off.


Below are a few scanned examples of the deliverables that I oversaw.

P R O D U C T   S A M P L E

P O I N T  O F   P U R C H A S E 

stila it gloss.jpg

M A G A Z I N E  A D S

P R O M O T I O N A L  

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